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P. Kervalishvili
T. Berberashvili
A. Papoyan
A. Manukyan


The role of science and technology as one of the most important pillars of sustainable development has been analysed within the new FLOGEN sustainability framework. Many distant and recent historical examples have been considered to make the point that science and technology are
grand disruptors of boundaries, borders, and ways of life, and they have opened society’s eyes to new serious problems and realities. The paper points out that science and technology are well credited for this great diagnostic role, but have been frequently ignored for their role as solution producers. Numerous examples illustrate the fact that usually solutions are sought far from science and technology, or without their close cooperation, and this has been in fact the cause of failures. It is shown that science and technology are grand solution providers, and this is clear from the distant, recent, and current realities, where they have proven wrong all non-scientific solutions or doomsday predictions. It is concluded that no sound long term solution can be found when science and technology are not considered as a solution provider as the pillar at the forefront of sustainable development, and this is even more so valid for the acute problems faced by the world today.Magnetic nanoparticle hyperthermia is based on a physical effect, where magnetic nanoparticles are introduced into the tumor tissue producing local heat when subjected to an alternating magnetic field. The destruction of cancer cells will occur at Т = 42 - 44°C. However, higher temperatures can kill surrounding normal tissues. For a magnetic hyperthermia, it is necessary to receive magnetic nanoparticles with high values of specific absorption rate, as well as exercise control of heating temperature. The aim of the paper is elaboration of precise and minimally invasive heat
mediators with high thermal energy transfer capability for magnetic hyperthermia treatment of cancer at the cellular level. This goal is achieved by using highly effective heating nanosystems of ferromagnetic nanoparticles encapsulated by carbon nanotubes or graphene nanostructures.

Published: Nov 14, 2023

Article Details

Oral Session I: Biomedical Engineering / Biotechnology