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M. Khajishvili
N. Gomidze
I. Jabnidze
K. Makharadze
L. Kalandadze
O. Nakashidze


Our research provides for the analysis of different types of Georgian wine based on 3D fluorescence spectroscopy (3DF) using the Black Comet (200-950 nm) spectrometer manufactured by StellarNet. In this method, the 3D fluorescence signal is divided into a fixed number of statistical components. For each type of wine, a 3D database is strictly defined, which we conventionally call references. The etalon describe the excitation/emission spectra in detail. The advantage of the 3DF method compared to other statistical methods, such as peak component analysis (PCA), lies in the uniqueness of the unfolding of the spectra. The fluorescence spectra of the wine will be further analyzed by peak component analysis (PCA). After performing the PCA analysis, in order to reduce the number of tolerant etalon, we used the tolerant etalon sample (TES) comparison analysis, thus determining how tolerant the researched wine sample is to this or that specific etalon.

3D fluorescence spectroscopy, peak component analysis, wine analysis, Georgian wine, Tolerant etalon sample
Published: Nov 9, 2023

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